Redcon1 Tier Operators

Canadian Affiliatly

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Affiliate Registration

Scroll to the bottom of the page for further details
Must be 6 or more characters and contain at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character (! $ # - .)

You must fill at least one field for website or social site

Fields marked with * are mandatory


Please complete the registration for your Redcon1 Tier Operator Australian Affiliatly account. 
If you need assistance please email 

*When you first applied to be a Tier Operator you created an Affiliatly account on the American site. 
In order to track any sales that you bring in on the Canadian site you'll need a Canadian Affiliatly account. 
Go ahead and enter your info, we'll make sure it looks good and then get you set up with a Canadian account to match your original American Tier Operator Account. 

If you need help or have questions please email us:

See the FAQ page