Terms of Use and Privacy Statement


Affiliate Agreement 

Welcome to the Simple Paper Affiliate Program! We're excited to partner with you and look forward to a fruitful collaboration. This Affiliate Agreement outlines the terms and conditions of our partnership, ensuring a clear understanding of each party's responsibilities and expectations.

The agreement is divided into several key sections, each designed to provide comprehensive details on different aspects of the program. From commission structures and marketing guidelines to legal compliance and dispute resolution, this document serves as your guide to a successful affiliate relationship with us.

Below is the Table of Contents for the Affiliate Agreement, which provides an overview of the sections contained within. We encourage you to read through the agreement carefully to ensure you fully understand the terms of our partnership.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Commission Structure Details
  3. Marketing and Promotion Guidelines
  4. Trademark Use
  5. Eligibility Criteria for Affiliates
  6. Payment Information
  7. Legal Compliance and Data Protection
  8. Program Duration and Termination Conditions
  9. Dispute Resolution
  10. Contact Information for Support
  11. Feedback on Draft Agreement
  12. General Provisions
  13. Affiliate Personal Discount
  14. Customer Discount Code

We believe that transparency and mutual understanding are the foundations of a successful partnership. Should you have any questions or need further clarification on any section of this agreement, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for choosing to join the Simple Paper Affiliate Program!

Section 1: Introduction

Welcome to the Simple Paper Affiliate Program. As part of our team, you are more than just an affiliate; you're a valued partner in our journey to inspire creativity and organization through our artisanal stationery and decorative stickers. This Affiliate Agreement outlines the terms of our partnership, ensuring mutual understanding and success. By joining our program, you agree to adhere to these terms, which are designed to support our collective growth and maintain the integrity of our brand.

Section 2: Commission Structure Details

2.1 Starting Commission

Affiliates will earn a base commission rate of 6% on all qualifying sales, excluding taxes, shipping, and returns.

2.2 Tiered Commission

  • Sales up to $1,999: Affiliates earn a commission rate of 6%.
  • Sales of $2,000 to $5,999: Commission rate increases to 7%.
  • Sales of $6,000 to $9,999: Commission rate increases to 8%.
  • Sales of $10,000 and above: Commission rate increases to 9%.

2.3 Subscription Sign-ups

Affiliates earn a commission on the first month of new subscriptions only.

2.4 Affiliate Link Tracking

Upon clicking an affiliate link provided by Simple Paper, a cookie will be set in the customer's browser that remains active for 14 days. This tracking cookie ensures that any qualifying purchases made during this period are attributed to the affiliate, regardless of whether the session is continuous or the customer leaves and returns to the website within the 14-day window.

2.5 Use of Discount Code

In conjunction with the affiliate link, customers must enter the affiliate’s unique discount code at checkout to receive a 10% discount on their purchase. This code is part of the promotional tools provided under Section 14: Customer Discount Code. The application of this code not only offers a direct benefit to the customer but also assists in tracking sales associated with the affiliate's promotional efforts.

Section 3: Marketing and Promotion Guidelines

3.1 Preferred Platforms

  • Affiliates are encouraged to use Instagram and YouTube as primary platforms for promoting Simple Paper products. These platforms align with our target audience's preferences and offer creative ways to showcase our products.

3.2 Promotional Materials

  • Simple Paper will provide affiliates with a range of promotional materials, including imagery, documentation, and quarterly updates. These materials are designed to help you create engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  • Affiliates are encouraged to request logos and other brand assets directly from us to ensure brand consistency across all promotional activities.

3.3 Usage Guidelines

  • We expect all affiliates to adhere to our brand guidelines when using provided promotional materials. This includes maintaining the integrity of our visual and verbal brand identity.
  • Affiliates should avoid any marketing practices that could be deemed deceptive or spammy. We value transparency with our customers and expect our affiliates to uphold these standards in their promotions.

3.4 Prohibited Activities

  • Paid advertising using Simple Paper's brand name or trademarks without explicit permission is strictly prohibited. This ensures that all paid promotions are aligned with our overall marketing strategy and brand values.

Section 4: Trademark Use

Simple Paper places great importance on the integrity and consistency of its brand identity. As such, affiliates are granted the privilege to use Simple Paper’s trademarks, logos, and other brand assets under the following conditions:

4.1 Usage Guidelines

  • Affiliates may use Simple Paper's trademarks and logos as provided in the affiliate promotional materials. These assets are to be used to promote Simple Paper products and should not be altered in any way that deviates from the original design, including changes to color, dimensions, or composition.
  • The use of Simple Paper's trademarks and logos is limited to affiliate marketing activities. Any use outside of these activities, especially in a manner that suggests partnership beyond the affiliate program, requires prior written approval from Simple Paper.

4.2 Prohibited Practices

  • Affiliates must not misuse Simple Paper's brand assets in any way that could mislead consumers or harm the brand's reputation. This includes creating a false impression of endorsement, partnership, or sponsorship by Simple Paper.
  • The creation of domain names, social media profiles, or other digital properties that could be mistakenly associated with the Simple Paper brand is strictly prohibited.

Simple Paper reserves the right to review affiliate use of brand assets and request modifications or cessation of use if deemed necessary to protect its brand integrity.

Section 5: Eligibility Criteria for Affiliates

To ensure the effectiveness and integrity of the Simple Paper Affiliate Program, we have established the following eligibility criteria for all prospective affiliates:

5.1 Community Engagement

  • Applicants must be active within the planner, journaling, or stationery community, demonstrating a genuine passion for these niches.
  • Regular posting on relevant social media platforms, particularly Instagram, with content that aligns with Simple Paper’s brand values and aesthetic.

5.2 Audience Size and Engagement

  • A minimum of 2,000 followers on Instagram is required, with evidence of high engagement rates through likes, comments, and shares, indicating a loyal and active audience.

5.3 Previous Engagement with Simple Paper

  • Applicants must have previously purchased from Simple Paper, showing personal experience and genuine enthusiasm for the brand and its products.

5.4 Geographic Considerations

  • While the affiliate program is open to international applicants, priority consideration will be given to those based in the USA, where Simple Paper primarily operates and serves customers.

These criteria are designed to ensure that our affiliate program remains aligned with our brand goals and values, fostering a community of passionate and engaged affiliates who are well-positioned to promote Simple Paper effectively.

Section 6: Payment Information

Simple Paper is committed to a transparent and fair compensation system for our affiliates. Below are the details regarding payment methods, thresholds, and schedules within our Affiliate Program:

6.1 Payment Methods

  • Affiliates have the option to receive their payments through Bank Transfer or PayPal. These methods are chosen to accommodate a wide range of affiliates while ensuring secure and efficient transactions.

6.2 Minimum Payout Threshold

  • The minimum payout threshold is set at $50. This threshold is designed to balance the administrative effort of processing payments with the convenience for our affiliates. Affiliates must accumulate commissions that meet or exceed this amount to be eligible for a payout.

6.3 Payment Schedule

  • Payments are processed on the 2nd of every month. This regular schedule allows affiliates to predict and plan for their income from the Affiliate Program. To receive a payment for the current month, affiliates must have reached the minimum payout threshold by the last day of the previous month.

6.4 Payment Processing

  • To facilitate timely and accurate payments, affiliates are responsible for maintaining up-to-date payment information and for any fees associated with receiving payments, such as PayPal fees or bank charges. Simple Paper will not be responsible for fees incurred from incorrect payment information or third-party service fees.

6.5 Earnings and Reports

  • Affiliates can track their earnings and view detailed reports through their affiliate dashboard. This transparency ensures that affiliates have continuous access to their performance data and earnings, allowing them to optimize their promotional strategies effectively.

Simple Paper values the hard work and dedication of our affiliates. We aim to make the payment process as straightforward and reliable as possible, ensuring that all affiliates are fairly compensated for their contribution to our brand's growth.

Section 7: Legal Compliance and Data Protection

Simple Paper is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of legal compliance and data protection in all aspects of our Affiliate Program. This commitment ensures the protection of our affiliates, customers, and our brand reputation.

7.1 Compliance with Laws

  • Affiliates must ensure that all promotional activities and content comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising standards, consumer protection laws, and any other relevant legal requirements.
  • It is particularly important for affiliates to be transparent about their relationship with Simple Paper by clearly disclosing that they may receive commissions for purchases made through their referral links. Such disclosures must comply with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines on endorsements and testimonials.

7.2 Data Protection

  • In the course of promoting Simple Paper products, affiliates may collect or handle personal data from potential customers. Affiliates are required to comply with all applicable data protection laws, including, but not limited to, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for EU residents and relevant state laws in the United States, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  • Affiliates must ensure that any personal data collected is handled securely, used appropriately, and not disclosed to unauthorized parties. Affiliates should also ensure they have obtained all necessary consents for the use of personal data in their marketing activities.

7.3 Industry Standard Practices

  • While specific compliance requirements may vary based on the affiliate's location and target audience, all affiliates are expected to adhere to industry-standard practices for ethical marketing and data protection.
  • Simple Paper encourages affiliates to familiarize themselves with these practices and to seek professional advice if unsure about compliance with specific legal obligations.

7.4 Cooperation in Compliance Efforts

  • Simple Paper may, from time to time, request information from affiliates to verify compliance with this section of the agreement. Affiliates agree to provide full cooperation in these efforts, understanding that such compliance is in the best interest of both parties and essential for the continuation of the Affiliate Program.

Section 8: Program Duration and Termination Conditions

The Simple Paper Affiliate Program is designed with both flexibility and commitment in mind, to foster a productive and mutually beneficial relationship between Simple Paper and our affiliates. Below are the terms related to the duration of the agreement and the conditions under which it may be terminated.

8.1 Duration of the Agreement

  • The Affiliate Agreement is effective for a fixed term of 3 months from the date of acceptance into the Simple Paper Affiliate Program. Upon expiration, the agreement may be automatically renewed for additional 3-month terms, subject to a review of the affiliate's performance and compliance with the program terms.

8.2 Conditions for Termination

  • By the Affiliate: Affiliates may choose to terminate the agreement at any time, for any reason, provided they give Simple Paper a 30-day written notice.
  • By Simple Paper: Simple Paper reserves the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect for any breach of the agreement terms, including but not limited to, failure to comply with legal obligations, misuse of Simple Paper's brand, or engagement in prohibited marketing practices. For terminations not related to a breach, Simple Paper will provide a 30-day written notice.
  • Automatic Termination: The agreement will automatically terminate if the affiliate program is discontinued by Simple Paper or if the affiliate fails to meet the program's performance standards during the term.

8.3 Notice of Termination

  • Any notice of termination must be provided in writing, either via email or through the affiliate program platform, and must specify the effective date of termination.

8.4 Consequences of Termination

  • Upon termination, the affiliate must immediately cease all use of Simple Paper's trademarks, promotional materials, and any other proprietary information. Additionally, the affiliate will remove all Simple Paper affiliate links and references from their platforms.
  • Any accrued but unpaid commissions as of the date of termination will be paid to the affiliate during the next scheduled payment cycle, provided that such commissions were earned in accordance with the agreement terms.

8.5 Post-Termination Obligations

  • The obligations regarding confidentiality, indemnification, and any other provisions which by their nature extend beyond the expiration or termination of the agreement, shall survive the termination of the agreement.

Section 9: Dispute Resolution

In the interest of fostering a positive and cooperative relationship between Simple Paper and our affiliates, this section outlines the process for resolving disputes that may arise under the terms of the Affiliate Agreement.

9.1 Initial Resolution Efforts

  • Simple Paper and the affiliate agree to first attempt to resolve any disputes arising from or related to the Affiliate Agreement through good faith negotiations. This involves direct communication between the affiliate and Simple Paper’s affiliate program management team to seek a mutual understanding and resolution.

9.2 Mediation

  • If initial resolution efforts are unsuccessful, both parties agree to engage in mediation as the next step. Mediation will be conducted by a neutral third party selected by mutual agreement. The costs of mediation will be shared equally between Simple Paper and the affiliate, unless otherwise agreed upon during mediation.
  • The goal of mediation is to reach an amicable resolution without the need for litigation, preserving the relationship between both parties.

9.3 Arbitration

  • In the event that mediation does not resolve the dispute, both parties agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration. The arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association or another recognized arbitration institution, agreed upon by both parties.
  • The arbitration process will be held in a location mutually agreed upon by both parties, and the decision rendered by the arbitrator will be considered final and binding on both parties. The prevailing party in the arbitration shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred.

9.4 Litigation

  • As a last resort, if arbitration is not pursued or does not resolve the dispute, either party may seek remedies through litigation in the appropriate court within the jurisdiction agreed upon in the General Provisions of this agreement.

9.5 Continuation of Obligations

  • Notwithstanding any dispute resolution proceedings, the affiliate agrees to continue to fulfill their obligations under this agreement until such dispute is resolved. This ensures the continuity of operations and minimizes potential disruptions to both parties.

Section 10: Contact Information for Support

Simple Paper is committed to providing comprehensive support to our affiliates to ensure a successful partnership. To facilitate communication and assistance, below is the essential contact information and guidance for reaching out for support.

10.1 Affiliate Program Support Contact

  • For any questions, concerns, or support related to the Simple Paper Affiliate Program, affiliates are encouraged to contact us via email at hello@simplepaper.co. This email address is monitored by our dedicated affiliate program management team, who are prepared to offer assistance and address any program-related inquiries.

10.2 Available Support

  • Simple Paper provides support for a range of affiliate program aspects, including but not limited to:
  • Questions about the Affiliate Agreement or program policies
  • Assistance with promotional materials or marketing strategies
  • Support for tracking and reporting tools
  • Clarification of commission structure and payment procedures

10.3 Response Time

  • Our goal is to respond to all affiliate inquiries within 48 hours. We strive to provide timely and helpful support to address any issues or questions our affiliates may have.

10.4 Feedback and Suggestions

  • Simple Paper values the feedback and suggestions of our affiliates. We encourage affiliates to share their insights or ideas for improving the affiliate program. Feedback can be submitted directly to the support email provided above.

10.5 Regular Updates

  • Simple Paper will send regular updates to affiliates via email. These updates may include information on new products, marketing strategies, changes to the Affiliate Program, or other relevant news. Affiliates are encouraged to read these updates to stay informed about the program and leverage new opportunities for promotion.

Section 11: Feedback on Draft Agreement

Simple Paper values the insights and contributions of our affiliates. As such, we are open to receiving feedback on this Affiliate Agreement to ensure that it remains fair, transparent, and mutually beneficial. This section outlines the process for submitting feedback and how adjustments to the agreement may be considered and implemented.

11.1 Submission of Feedback

  • Affiliates are encouraged to review this Affiliate Agreement carefully and submit any feedback, concerns, or suggestions they may have to Simple Paper via email at hello@simplepaper.co. We welcome constructive feedback on all aspects of the agreement, including commission structures, marketing guidelines, legal compliance, and support services.

11.2 Review Process

  • All feedback received from affiliates will be reviewed by the Simple Paper affiliate program management team. The review process aims to understand the affiliates' perspectives and assess the feasibility and impact of proposed adjustments to the agreement.

11.3 Communication of Changes

  • Should any changes to the Affiliate Agreement be deemed necessary based on affiliate feedback or changes in business operations or legal requirements, Simple Paper will notify affiliates of such changes in advance. Notification will be provided via email and will include details of the changes and the effective date.

11.4 Implementation of Adjustments

  • Adjustments to the Affiliate Agreement based on affiliate feedback will be implemented only after careful consideration and, where appropriate, discussion with the affected affiliates. Simple Paper is committed to ensuring that any changes to the agreement serve to enhance the partnership and support the mutual success of both parties.

11.5 Continuous Improvement

  • Simple Paper views the Affiliate Agreement as a living document that may evolve over time to better meet the needs of both Simple Paper and our affiliates. We are committed to continuous improvement and value the role of affiliate feedback in this process.

Section 12: General Provisions

The General Provisions section of the Simple Paper Affiliate Agreement encapsulates various overarching legal and operational terms that are critical for ensuring the agreement's comprehensiveness and enforceability. This section addresses the broader legal constructs that govern the entirety of the agreement.

12.1 Governing Law

  • This Affiliate Agreement and any disputes arising from it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where Simple Paper is headquartered, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

12.2 Severability

  • If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in effect. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced with a valid provision that most closely approximates the intent and economic effect of the invalid provision.

12.3 Waiver

  • The failure of Simple Paper to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision. Any waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be effective only if in writing and signed by Simple Paper.

12.4 Entire Agreement

  • This document constitutes the entire Agreement between Simple Paper and the affiliate regarding the Affiliate Program, superseding any prior agreements or communications.

12.5 Amendment

  • Simple Paper reserves the right to modify or amend this Agreement at any time, with notice to the affiliate. Continued participation in the Affiliate Program following such modifications signifies acceptance of the amended terms.

12.6 Assignment

  • The affiliate may not assign or transfer their rights or obligations under this Agreement without prior written consent from Simple Paper. Simple Paper may assign its rights and obligations to another entity at its discretion without consent from the affiliate.

12.7 Independent Contractors

  • The relationship established by this Agreement is that of independent contractors. Nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, or employer-employee relationship between Simple Paper and the affiliate.

12.8 Confidentiality

  • Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the Agreement and any proprietary information exchanged during the term of the Agreement. This confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination of the Agreement.

12.9 Force Majeure

  • Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations where such failure results from any cause beyond the party's reasonable control, including, without limitation, mechanical, electronic, or communications failure or degradation.

Section 13: Affiliate Personal Discount

13.1 Personal Discount Code

As a token of our appreciation for the partnership, Simple Paper offers a personal discount code to affiliates, entitling them to a 25% discount on products purchased for their personal use or for promotional purposes. This discount is intended to enable affiliates to experience and showcase our products firsthand, enhancing their ability to promote Simple Paper authentically.

13.2 Terms of Use

The personal discount code:

  • Is exclusive to the affiliate and must not be shared with others.
  • Can only be used for purchasing products for the affiliate's personal use or for promotional activities directly related to Simple Paper marketing efforts.
  • Cannot be used to purchase products on behalf of others or for resale.

13.3 Code Misuse

Misuse of the personal discount code, including but not limited to sharing the code with non-affiliates, purchasing products for others, or using the code for non-approved purposes, may result in immediate termination of the affiliate’s participation in the Affiliate Program.

Section 14: Customer Discount Code

14.1 Promotional Discount Code

Simple Paper provides affiliates with a promotional discount code that they can share on their social network profiles. This code offers a 10% discount to customers who purchase Simple Paper products through affiliate promotions.

14.2 Usage and Promotion

Affiliates are encouraged to share the promotional code as part of their marketing efforts, helping to drive sales and engagement. The use of this code is an excellent tool for affiliates to increase their attractiveness to potential customers by offering direct savings on our products.

14.3 Code Tracking and Attribution

The promotional code is unique to each affiliate and is tracked by Simple Paper’s affiliate system. Sales made using this code will be attributed to the respective affiliate’s account, ensuring they receive the appropriate commissions. 

14.4 Code Expiry and Renewal

The promotional discount code is valid for the duration of the affiliate’s active participation in the Affiliate Program. Should the code be nearing expiration or if there are changes to the promotion's terms, affiliates will be notified in advance to ensure continuous promotion capability.