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Join the Fleurdinand Affiliate Program Today to Start Earning 10% Commissions!

If you have an audience of women who love flowers, nature, home decor and art or you are a Fleurdinand customer who wants to share our art with your friends and family, you might make a perfect affiliate partner!

Affiliates we would love to partner with:
  • Fleurdinand Customers who love our art
  • Home decor influencers
  • Garden influencers
  • Flower Farmers or Florists
  • New mom influencers designing their baby’s nursery
  • YouTubers
  • Lifestyle bloggers
  • Active social media users {Instagram and TikTok}
  • Active influencer accounts
  • Fellow artists with an online following

Here’s what you can expect as our affiliate partner:
You’ll receive a 10% commission on all qualifying purchases made through your unique affiliate link.  Your friends, family and followers will receive a 10% off discount for their orders, too!

I’ve put together everything you need to promote our products to your friends, family and followers… I’ll also provide you with ideas on how to maximize your earnings as an affiliate, too!

Ready to start earning commissions by sharing our beautiful botanical art prints? Sign up by filling out the form to the left!

See the FAQ page