Welcome to Hulken's Ambassador program!
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Affiliate Registration

Scroll to the bottom of the page for further details
Must be 6 or more characters and contain at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character (! $ # - .)

You must fill at least one field for website or social site

Fields marked with * are mandatory


Thanks for joining Hulken's US  Ambassador  Program!

Please note that the program is open only to ambassadors with a Hulken.

We know your Hulken is quite the head-turner and that you often get stopped by strangers wanting to hear more about it. We're so grateful for the many of you who spread the Hulken love and want to ensure you get rewarded for your referrals!
Here's how it works:

- Sign up  as an affiliate
- Get your personalized link and code
- Share with friends
- Earn a $7.5 commission on every order that you refer

Note: All payments are made the following month to ensure buyers don't return the bag.
Minimum threshold: $100