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Affiliate Registration

Scroll to the bottom of the page for further details
Must be 6 or more characters and contain at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character (! $ # - .)

Fields marked with * are mandatory


Affiliate Program Benefits:

  • 10% commission on sales across all transactions
  • Monthly payouts (minimum payout $100)
  • Get earnings through PayPal or Venmo
  • Regular coupons, sales, and promotions
  • Exclusive coupons available via request 
  • Open social media policy - promote us on facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, etc

Expected efforts from your side imply:
  • Generate a minimum of 20 visitors per month to our website 
  • If your affiliate links have not referred qualified sales within 90-days after sign-up, your application and access to your affiliate account will be withdrawn.
Accounts that will not generate such expected results during 3 consecutive months, will be automatically signed-out from our Affiliate Program.

You will be welcome to reapply to the Affiliates Program, but we recommend only doing so if you're confident that you can provide us with consistent traffic.

Please explain briefly in the comments
- How are you going to promote our products? 
- What channels are you going to use?

This info will help us to make an approval decision.

If your PayPal email is different from your registration email, please add it in the comment section.

Apply today, and start earning with Aerial Resupply Coffee! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here