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Welcome to be an affiliate of Cyansky Store (, and Cyansky Store is the official Shopify shopping store of Cyansky Light.

CYANSKY Light (Official website: href) is specialized in top-level flashlights, headlamps, and accessories for threatening hunting, shooting, outdoor adventure, law enforcement, EDC, and so on.

CYANSKY is the inventor of the multi-color flashlight with a color filter built-in, which means a long beam throw but no separate filter mounting anymore! No worry for filters lost anymore! Integrating the innovative design, manufacturing, marketing & sales and service, CYANSKY would be always committed to top-level lighting gears and service for hunters around the world! 

Current Product Series (All qualified for bad weather and no clear application boundaries):
Hunting Flashlights    Tactical Flashlights    Outdoor Flashlights    EDC Flashlights    Headlamp

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